Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science?

You may be eligible to participate in a reading disability clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science? You may be eligible to participate in a reading disability clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

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Reading Disability Clinical Trial in Seattle WA
NCT03945097 | Observational

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science?

You may be eligible to participate in a reading disability clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science? You may be eligible to participate in a reading disability clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.


Male & Female

60 - 72

Months old

This study is looking to recruit 44 Participants

Subjects are recruited for a pre-kindergarten education program focusing on early literacy skills. Primary outcomes are improvement in letter knowledge and changes in brain response to text.